
Schwarzschild Raytracer
One of the many consequences of the theory of general relativity is that light follows a curved path in spacetime. This project uses the Schwarzschild metric which describes the spacetime around a stationary non-rotating black hole.
The project is built in C++ with OpenGL. Raytracing is implemented in GLSL with the use of RK4. GLM handles the mathematical computations. The program allows the user to spawn several objects, animate them, export a video, and many more.

A geodesic is the shortest path between two points in curved space. Given the initial position and direction, one can compute the geodesic. One example of a geodesic is the path of an airplane that looks curved on a flat map.
Using React and styled with Tailwind CSS, the app allows the user to input any surface and compute the geodesic given the initial conditions using the Euler method or the RK4. The extrinsic view is handled with Three.js and the intrinsic view uses JSXGraph.

The popular online game Shakes & Fidget has a collectible minigame - pets. Each pet has different requirements for it to be available. The app tracks these requirements and displays the availability of pets.
Built with React and styled with SCSS. The app uses React Context for state management and React Query with localStorage for fetching users' data.